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Thunderbird District Camporee 2018

The annual Thunderbird District Camporee was a journey into Camp Edward for an opportunity to show what we were made of relative to the rest of the Scouts in South Seattle.

We worked on achievement, motivation, unit cohesion and parent support.  They all earned an A on these for this trip.  We didn't win the top award this year, but we're ready for the competition again next year.

Proud to be members of the Thunderbird District, the best on in the Chief Seattle Council.

Spring '18 Court of Honor

Troop 008 Celebrated its Spring court of honor on Sunday, June 9th. It was a momentous occasion for our Troop as many of our scouts earned the citizenship in the community merit badge. This badge is one of the 12 required to earn the rank of Eagle Scout and is one of the cornerstones of the scouting experience especially for our Troop. So much so that earning this badge is mandatory before any Scout may attend summer camp as a member of Troop 008. Several of our Scouts also earned other badges and honors including the Rifle Shooting, Swimming, and Citizenship in the Nation merit badges.

Here we also awarded new leadership ranks as follows:

  • Lincoln Wilmore (Senior Patrol Leader)
  • Elijah Rideout (Assistant Senior Patrol Leader)
  • Jordan Hurd (Patrol Leader Panther Patrol)
  • Edward Hughes (Patrol Leader Falcon Patrol)

Congratulations to all our Scouts and families on a year well done!

Thunderbird District Camporee 2017- Camp Edward

Thunderbird District Camporee 2017- Camp Edward

Longest Troop campout yet.  Thunderbird District Spring Camporee 2017... it was cold, the competition was stiff and yet we still did our best and came home better for it. Everyone brought their A game.  Competitions that tested our skills and wit included, first aid, the marshmallow kick, pioneering challenge, archery, iron chef, and a spirited game of capture the flag. 

Next year we will finish higher in the standings but the Scoutmasters couldn't be more proud! Every campout we are looking more and more sharp and the boys continue to lead and amaze!