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Summer Camp

Summer Camp 2018 - Camp Pigott

Summer Camp 2018 - Camp Pigott

Summer camp 2018 was the culmination of a year of hard work, training and planning.  What a year 2017-2018 was.  Tears were shed, accomplishments were achieved and at the end of the camp week we earned the biggest award to date for Troop 008, the much sought after Honor Troop award.

We earned this distinction by performing a number of tasks that reflected the Scout Law, we ensured we were trustworthy, loyal, helpful, etc., and in the end the Camp staff determined we had achieved Honor Troop status.   The Scouts earned this award.  They over-perfomed in everyday imaginable. They were truly the great Troop 008.

Camp was such a blast.  We went kayaking, mountain biking, swimming, did camp wide flag ceremonies, cooked, learned first aid, earned over 25 merit badges as a Troop and built the first brick in a foundation of future success for our Scouts.

This was a big deal camp for us, we truly turned a corner.  What a camp.  Congratulations on earning Honor Troop, "Great Troop 008"