I’m excited to announce the Troop will be participating in their first COPE program. This will be an event your Scout will not want to miss! It will be a full-day of group activities @ Camp Pigott (where we went to Summer Camp last year) emphasizing the patrol method and developing leadership.
The activities are not designed to be competitive or to be races against time. The objectives include building teams, solving problems, making decisions, and developing trust, communication, leadership, planning, and self-esteem as team members cooperate to achieve goals upon which they have agreed.
Put this on your calendar (April 20th) and please RSVP as we have limited spots available.
COPE is an acronym for Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience, a program in the Boy Scouts of America. It consists of group initiative games, trust events, and high and low ropes course. Some activities involve a group challenge, while others develop individual skills and agility. Participants climb, swing, balance, jump, rappel, and devise solutions to a variety of problems.
Meeting at the Rainier Beach Community Center at 8:00am and plan to return between 4:00 - 5:00p.